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MB BS  (First Class Honours) 1997,University of Genova, Italy

MRCPsych 2003, (Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists), United Kingdom

CCT General Adult Psychiatry October 2006, United Kingdom

CCT in Social and Rehabilitation Psychiatry October 2006, United Kingdom

FMH for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Switzerland 2020

After my Specialty training I started working in in the South of England as a Consultant for the NHS, in particular Consultant for the Inpatient Local Unit, consultant for an Out Patient Clinic and consultant for the Assertive Outpatient Team.

In the last few years in England, I also became responsible for the Early Intervention in Psychosis Team, dedicated to identify and treat as early as possible adolescents and young adult with a Psychotic Disorder.

I then spent few years in Italy where I worked as a Medical Director, in few Psychiatric Units and started my private outpatient private activity, continuing in a teaching role at Genoa University.

 In 2018 I started working in Ticino Switzerland, until 2021 exclusively in Clinica Santa Croce, one of the Main Psychiatric Unit of the Cantone and from 2022 sharing this role with the independent outpatient clinic (Studio) until June 2024 since then I work exclusively for the outpatient activity.



Diploma in Cognitive Therapy for Severe Mental Health Problems, (University of Southampton) 2004

Accreditation as Cognitive Behavioural Therapist by BABCP (British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy), United Kingdom Aug 2006

FMH for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Switzerland 2020

In the U.K I started assessing and treating on an individual or Group modality people affected by a wider range of Mental Health problems, utilizing the traditional Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy. In the following years I deepened my interest and horned my skills in ACT (Aceptance and Commitment Therapy) a third wave Behaviuoral Therapy, that utilizes Mindfulness. I created inside the NHS Outpatient clinic treatment groups for Treatment resistant Depression.

I carried this experience to Italy where I created ACT group for the Treatment of Dual Diagnosis, gambling and depression. I continued to deepen my training in such a modality and I used also in individual and couple Therapy. I started teaching such a Therapy at Genoa University and I carried on doing this even in Switzerland.

In Switzerland I carried on using ACT and CBT in individual and Couple Therapy

I have completed a training in level 1 EMDR an effective therapeutic approach for Trauma and stress related problems.



In my Outpatient clinic I assess and treat people ranging from late teens (17) to old age presenting with mental Health problems using Therapy with medication, Psychotherapy or the two in combination depending on the nature of the problem and individuals’ preference.



English, Italian, Brazilian Portoguese

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