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DR. JACOPO PISATURO protects your online privacy.

The privacy policy of Dr. Jacopo Pisaturo is established in accordance with national and EU laws and regulations.


Data controller

DR. JACOPO PISATURO, with registered office in Via Campagna 5A - 6512 Giubiasco, Ticino, Switzerland, is the data controller of any personal data collected as a result of browsing the website


Information gathering

While browsing, the information that may be collected on the website falls into the following two categories:

- Personally Identifiable Information

- Non-Personally Identifiable Information


 Personally Identifiable Information

Consultation of the contents of the website is possible in a completely anonymous way.

In the event that the user visits a section that requires the collection of personal data, he will always be offered a disclosure and his consent will be asked.

The personal data collected as a result of this use, subject to the information and consent of the internet user, may include, as the case may be, the name/surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address, profession as well as specific data relating to the services requested.


Information that does not allow personal identification


A cookie is a small text file that can be sent to the address of the user who is browsing to keep track of some preferences (expressed by the user) and collect data in a purely anonymous way to improve the offer and usability of the site web. Dr. Jacopo Pisaturo's web server can exchange cookies with the communication tools used by users only while browsing its website. Each user can configure their browser to be notified of the presence of cookies and accept or reject them. It is also possible to automatically refuse the receipt of cookies by activating the appropriate browser option.


Rights of interested parties, right of access and request for exclusion

The user, whether registered or not, can request deletion from the data protection officer DR. JACOPO PISATURO by sending an email to attaching a valid identity document.

It is also possible to know at any time the personal data stored by DR. JACOPO PISATURO how they are used, update them on request, correct or integrate them.

It is possible to transform them into anonymous form and revoke, if previously given, consent to data processing: for purposes of sending commercial and advertising material, direct sales or web marketing, as well as profiling and enrichment for marketing purposes.


Changes to this privacy policy

DR. JACOPO PISATURO may modify the content of this document (making previous versions available for consultation) according to changes or new services, as well as in the event of new management or change of online service provider.

Privacy Policy

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